Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bikini Arms and Abs

Its a beautiful day out, 65 degrees and sunny! So after a bike ride up to the gym and back(didnt actually go to the gym, just there and back) but I decided I would do a short workout in our apartment. I did legs yesterday so didnt want to work them again and decided on arms and abs. Gotta get ready for the summer weather!  Theres not set rest time with this one, but you dont really need too much of a break between any of the exercises. Everything is body weight except the bicep curls. I used 20lb DBs for it but if you dont have dumbbells you could use a gallon of milk or water, or whatever you have lying around the house. But here it is, everything is 20 reps.

1. One Minute Plank
2. Tricep Dip with Leg Lift (right)

          Do a tricep dip and as you come up, lift you right leg high
3. Pump Handle Abs

           double crunch starting with arms above head and heels together as you crunch your legs spread                      knees open with heels touching and reach through with arms
4. Tricep Dip with Leg Lift(left)
5. Superman Heel Tap

            superman and then tap heels, then down
6. Side Plank Hip Lift Reach (right)

           side plank, lift your hips high and then reach through the opening between you and the floor
7. Side Plank Hip Lift Reach (left)
8. Bicep Curl (right)
9. Bicep Curl (left)
10. Slow Leg Extension Circles

           arms above head, start with legs straight, bring up and bend knees and then lift hips and then                extend back out
11. Plank Extensions

           plank walking up and down onto hands(10 on each arm coming up)
12. Full Extension Burpee

          burpee but when get down from pushup do a superman angel

You can find more workouts like this on 

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